A crotchet fan, an avid yarn lover. Yes, that's me. I guess I developed this liking for crotchet somewhere in the ninth standard, when we were taught crotchet during our craft classes in school.
From that time onwards, I have been making doilies, flowers etc. off and on. But after a gap of almost 15 years, this passion for crotchet has been rekindled in me. I have again started persuing this hobby with renewed enthusiasm.
Basically I think that this is a great hobby and in my view I crotchet for the following reasons:
a) Completing a crotchet project, like making a doily or an afghan, gives me a sense of accomplishment.
b) I can spend quality time without feeling that I am whiling away my time. Being a full time professional, I am habituated to do SOMETHING ALL the time !
c) Effective stress reliever, as by doing crotchet I can concentrate on completing the project and get immersed into it.
d) A means to express my creativity. Though in reality I am not a very creative person, but I do try my hand at working on a range of designs in varied colors and hues.
Ah ! Not to forget I have this pattern Acquisition Syndrome too and love to collect patterns in symbol crotchet in anticipation that some day (some day ....) I will be follow these patterns and make beautifil items out of yarn. I am currently working on many such projects !
Due to this passion, I decided to start a blog, wherein I can post free symbol crotchet patterns and the photos of my crotchet projects too. After searching the Internet, umpteen times,
I have collected some symbol crotchet patterns and would like to share these patterns with my fellow crotcheters. Also I would like to emphasise that all these patterns have been taken from the Internet, wherein these patterns were available for free. Please do not use these patterns for sale or commercial purpose. Till then, Happy Crocheting !